- What Programs Are Available To Assist Elderly Adults in Wisconsin?
Which state department assist seniors in Wisconsin? The Wisconsin Department of Health Services is the primary state agency responsible for the development and implementation of statewide policy, services and supports.
What programs assist older adults in Wisconsin?
The Wisconsin Community Options Program Waiver (COP-Waiver; COP-W): Provides Medical Assistance funding for home and community-based care for elderly and individuals with physical disabilities who have long term care needs and who would otherwise be eligible for Medical Assistance reimbursement in a nursing home.What is the best number to call to get started? (608) 266-1865
Is there a website? https://www.dhs.wisconsin.gov/cop/index.htm
- Who Qualifies For Assistance?
Wisconsin's Community Options helps people who need long term care to stay in their own homes and communities. Its purpose is to provide cost-effective alternatives to expensive care in institutions and nursing homes. Elderly people and people with serious long-term disabilities receive funds and assistance to find services they are not able to get through other programs. Community Options care managers know what services are available in the community, and learn what families and friends are able to do. A care manager will talk to you, or your family member about how to arrange the services and supports you need to avoid going to a nursing home.
Wisconsin's Community Options serves people who need long term support, regardless of age or type of disability, who need the same levels of physical or mental health care as nursing home residents do. There are no income limits for a Community Options assessment and care plan. However, income guidelines are used to determine if Community Options will pay for part or all of the cost of services that the assessment determines are necessary. People who can afford to pay may receive help finding the services they need after an assessment is completed.
The Community Options Program is available in a limited number of Wisconsin counties. - What Services Are Offered
Based on your needs, strengths and resources, Community Options provides the followign services: home modification, respite care, adaptive equipment, financial counseling, care management, communication aids, home health care, residential services, personal care, and housekeeping.
- Additional Information
Elder benefit specialists (EBS) help answer questions and solve problems related to Social Security, Medicare, health insurance and other public and private benefits for older adults. They serve people ages 60 and over.
Services are free of charge.
Elder benefit specialists are employed by Aging Offices and Aging and Disability Resource Centers (ADRC) in every county in Wisconsin.
Find a benefit specialist in your county of residence.