What Programs Are Available To Assist Elderly Adults in Washington?

Which state department assist seniors in Washington? The services offered through the COPES program are administered by Home and Community Services, a division of the Washington State Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS) and the Health Care Authority (HCA), which determines financial eligibility for services.

What programs assist older adults in Washington? COPES is a Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) waiver program that pays for services for people in community settings. These services help people who would otherwise need to be in nursing homes. “COPES” stands for Community Options Program Entry System.

What is the best number to call to get started? call the Aging and Long Term Support Administration office at 1-800-422-3263 for more information on the COPES Waiver and other resources for seniors.

Is there a website?

Who Qualifies For Assistance?

To get The Washington COPES Waiver you must need help because of a physical or cognitive disability with certain activities of daily living. Those activities are eating, bathing, transfer, positioning, locomotion, using the toilet and medication management. In addition to requiring assistance with two or more activities of daily living or nursing home level care, individuals must be financially qualified for Medicaid.

What Services Are Offered & What Are The Service Limitations?

The Washington COPES waiver offers personal care services, skills acquisition training, assistive technology, personal emergency response systems, and a few other services that help clients remain in community settings.

Additional Information

Note: A client can be authorized to receive Hospice services while on HCB Waiver services . The HCB program (usually COPES) is the priority program. Any participation is applied toward the HCB Waiver provider. For more information see Hospice. A client can be authorized to receive a HCB Waiver, Community First Choice and Hospice. The participation is applied toward the HCB Waiver and CFC provider before it is applied to the Hospice provider.


Options To The COPES Waiver-

Specialized Dementia Care Program

The Specialized Dementia Care Program is for a person with dementia who can no longer live at home and needs state-funding (Medicaid) to help pay for long-term care services in a facility. Offered through the Washington Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS), a person with dementia receives a package of specialized dementia care services while living at an Assisted Living Facility. The goal of the program is to help a person with dementia maintain the highest possible quality of life and physical health while living with the losses typical of dementia.