- What Programs Are Available To Assist Elderly Adults in Georgia?
Which state department assist seniors in Georgia? The Georgia Department of Community Health’s (DCH) Division of Medical Assistance Plans partners with the Division of Aging Services (DAS) within the Department of Human Services (DHS) for the operational management of Georgia's elderly waiver.
What programs assist older adults? The Community Care Services Program (CCSP) is a Medicaid waiver program that provides community based services to elderly adults. Elderly adults are offered community based services as an alternative to institutional placement in a nursing facility.
What is the best number to call to get started? The individual contacts the Area Agency on Aging (AAA) for an assessment. The toll-free, statewide phone number is 866-55-AGING (866-552-4464).
Is there a website?
http://aging.dhs.georgia.gov - Who Qualifies For Assistance?
Eligibility: To be eligible for The Community Care Services Program (CCSP), you must meet all of the following criteria.
-Functional impairment caused by physical limitations.
-Approval by a physician of an intermediate level of care (LOC) certification for nursing home placement and care plan.
-Medicaid eligible or potentially Medicaid eligible after admission to CCSP.
-Client chooses community-based rather than institutional services.
-Participation in one waiver program at a time. - Is There a Waiting List For Services?
How long is the waiting list in Georgia? Georgia has 2700 people on waiting lists for CCSP & Source Waivers combined.
- What Services Are Offered & What Are The Service Limitations?
What services does the Medicaid waiver program offer? Available services include: Adult Day Health; Alternative Living Services; Emergency Response Services; Home-delivered Meals; and Home-delivered Services.
Based on Medicaid income limits, some eligible individuals pay some of the cost of their services, while others do not. - How Do You Select A Provider?
Who will provide my services? The Division of Aging handles the provider enrollment process for the elderly disabled waiver. In Georgia, waiver services can not be provided by relatives.
- Additional Information
The 12 Area Agencies on Aging (AAA) are the single point of entry (gateway) to local and statewide aging information, resources and referral for services. Contact your local AAA for assistance in determining your eligibility for CCSP or other community resources. Medicaid eligibility is determined by your county Division of Family and Children Services (DFCS) office.
While DCH is responsible for provider reimbursement, enrollment and utilization review, DAS executes the day-to-day operations of the CCSP waiver program.